Thursday, January 25, 2007

Lotusphere 2007 - Day 4 - Speedgeeking

This was simply amazing. 12 stations, 5 minutes at each station, and a veritable inundation of incredibly cool and helpful but overwhelming information. Ben Langhinrichs has already blogged about what was covered, so I won't repeat it here.

My favorite demo was from two brilliant guys from the University of Paderborn in Germany. They're offering a free implementation of something like Activities that's all NSF based. It's using the composite application framework so it's only available for Notes 8, but it's really really cool. They said they'd have it posted when the Notes 8 client goes into public beta next month.

For those of you who didn't attend, there was also an open bar! I overheard one of the organizers saying they didn't announce that because they only wanted the people there who really wanted to be there. So you lost out for not hiking 1/2 a mile in the rain.

Hats off to Rocky Oliver for coordinating this event, and to all the presenters. You showed some incredibly cool stuff. I can testify first hand that both Paul Mooney and Bill Buchan can talk every bit as fast as Chris Miller. The only difference being that neither Paul nor Bill are intelligible when talking as fast as a native New Yorker. :-P

1 comment:

  1. LOL - so true about Paul and Bill (and Chris). And the comment about deliberately not mentioning the free beer was true - can you imagine if we had announced that?!? It would have been PACKED - and unmanageable.

    Once again thanks for the kind words. The response was overwhelming, and we are already thinking about ways to enhance and expand SpeedGeeking next year. Watch for future posts on my blog about it - I want to pick the brains of the community who attended Lotusphere (and SpeedGeeking specifically) to see what you think about next year's version...

