Friday, September 29, 2006

iSeries to Red Hat move - rooms and resources gotcha

When I migrated my Domino Directory administration server from iSeries to Red Hat users started reporting seemingly random problems with room and resource reservations. Some reservations worked while others didn't. It wasn't a big deal, but it was one of those annoying things people would mention every week or so.

I finally dug into it and what I found was very interesting. In the logs for my server I kept seeing errors about a file RSVP.nsf not being found. I checked and careful scrutinity showed my reservations database is called rsvp.nsf. When I looked at the room and resource documents in the Mail-In Databases section of Domino Administrator some were listed with the database filename RSVP.nsf. I don't know how this happened, there isn't anywhere to enter the filename when you create a new resource. Apparently Linux is case-sensitive with regards to reservations while the iSeries is not. I changed everything to point to rsvp.nsf and it all works now.

One more "gotcha" to add to the list: check all filename references for proper casing after migrating to Linux.


  1. If you don't want to do that you could always use the method they use with Sametime.

    The Sametime insaller for Solaris creates symlinks with the mixed case filenames.

  2. Good call, Ninke. I'm not all that familiar with linux (as you know), so changing the mail-in records was an easier route for me. Also, it's cleaner for anyone following me who might scratch their head and wonder why I had a symlink. :-P
