Thursday, November 20, 2008

I need cordless phone recommendations

I think I saw someone else post this a while back but I can't find it now. I've been trying to find decent cordless phones to use at home for years. All the 2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz I have tried have poor range, poor reception, or poor volume. I have purchased various Sony, AT&T, VTech, Uniden and Panasonic phones through the years and pretty much all of them have had issues. Most recently I bought a VTech IA5824 5.8Ghz phone, set it up last night, and I only get about a 15 foot range before the static starts.

Can anyone recommend a cordless phone that actually works well?


  1. In the US, look for a logo that says DECT 6.

    Its a standard that's more recent and should help. Spend less effort working about 2.4ghz, 5.8ghz, etc.. These are great when new, but quickly fill up their spectrums as your neighbors get them too.


    This one rocks at our house - it is a base unit that has bluetooth - so I can link up my blackberry upstairs and then us it with any of hand units as a "handsfree" device - so I don't have to carry my BB around the house to answer it - I can just use one of the extensions. Also it helps in my basement where I had poor reception on my cell. I can use the extension to make a call from my BB with this phone. There are two buttons so I dial number and press talk for land line and cell to use my cell service. You can connect 6 of these handsets to it. Real easy to set up. It can handle two phones via bluetooth - so it can also be used with my wifes phone as well.

    It leaves open the possibility to go without a landline - and just use your cell. But you get convenience of having multiple extensions

    Pretty Cool - good Luck

  3. Thanks guys. I've been considering DECT but wasn't sure it would really make a difference. I'll give it a shot.

  4. Bluetooth based homephones are starting to become more and more affordable...check out ATT's bluetooth phone at Best Buy..i think its at 89 or 99 bucks..its pretty cool cos I dont have a landline but get poor range on my cell at home..using a bluetooth home phone lets me receive my cellular calls with much better clarity..check it out..

  5. I'm curious if you found something that works for you yet?

    We've actually gone old-school, and have a 900 mHZ Uniden. It seems to have pretty decent range around (and outside) the house, and doesn't interfere with wireless-G or our baby monitors. Here's what we have (just found the link via google, so don't know about the online store linked here):
