Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How to print full pages of records in Microsoft Access

Recently I was recreating a government form in Access that included some columns with background colors. Each row was a fixed height, and if a page was not completely filled there was a large blank space before the page footer printed. I needed a way to print extra records to fill the empty space. I did some digging and came across some sample reports from ACG Soft that included one for duplicating Detail rows. There wasn’t any documentation or comments in the code so I had to pull it apart and figure it out myself. It turns out it is surprisingly simple.
  1. Count how many records fit on a page. No programming involved in this and it should be a constant value.
  2. Count the number of records you will be printing.
  3. As records are printed compare how many have been printed with how many will fit on a page.
  4. When you run out of records to print, stop Access from advancing to the next record until you reach the number that will fit on a page.
Here is the code I ended up using.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim RowCounter As Integer
Dim TotalRows As Integer

Const MAX_ROWS As Byte = 17

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim ThisRecordset As DAO.Recordset

'Get the number of rows to be printed
Set ThisRecordset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [qFuel Log Summary by State2]")

If Not ThisRecordset.EOF And Not ThisRecordset.BOF Then
TotalRows = ThisRecordset.Fields(0)
End If

Set ThisRecordset = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub PageHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
'Reset the row counter for each page
RowCounter = 0

'When you hit a new page decrease the total rows to be printed by one page worth
If Report.Page > 1 Then
TotalRows = TotalRows - MAX_ROWS
End If

'Make sure the text is visible
Call SetForegroundColor(COLOR_BLACK)
End Sub

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
'This event is called every time a record prints.

'Keep track of the number of rows printed
RowCounter = RowCounter + 1

If RowCounter < TotalRows Then
'There is still more to do
Exit Sub
'Make sure you do not overfill a page
If RowCounter < MAX_ROWS Then
'This keeps Access from advancing to the EOF marker and printing the Page Footer
Me.NextRecord = False
End If
End If

'Since you are not advancing to a blank record you have to hide
' the text so it does not print.
If RowCounter > TotalRows Then
Call SetForegroundColor(COLOR_WHITE)
End If

End Sub

Private Sub SetForegroundColor(Color As Long)
Select Case Color
Me!St.ForeColor = Color
Me!Mileage.ForeColor = Color
Me!Mileage2.ForeColor = Color
Me![Taxable Gallons].ForeColor = Color
Me![Tax Pd Gal].ForeColor = Color
Me![Net Gal].ForeColor = Color
Me![Tax Rate].ForeColor = Color
Me![Tax].ForeColor = Color
Me![Surcharge Rate].ForeColor = Color
Me![Surcharge].ForeColor = Color
Me![Net Tax].ForeColor = Color
Me![NetTax2].ForeColor = Color
'Some of the columns use a colored background so I can't just set
' all the foreground text to white. Also, some of the textboxes
' have a transparent background and others have white, so I can't
' just set all the foreground text the same color as the background.
Me!St.ForeColor = Me!St.BackColor
Me!Mileage.ForeColor = Me!Mileage.BackColor
Me!Mileage2.ForeColor = Me!Mileage2.BackColor
Me![Taxable Gallons].ForeColor = Color
Me![Tax Pd Gal].ForeColor = Me![Tax Pd Gal].BackColor
Me![Net Gal].ForeColor = Color
Me![Tax Rate].ForeColor = Color
Me![Tax].ForeColor = Me![Tax].BackColor
Me![Surcharge Rate].ForeColor = Color
Me![Surcharge].ForeColor = Color
Me![Net Tax].ForeColor = Color
Me![NetTax2].ForeColor = Color
End Select
End Sub

This LotusScript was converted to HTML using the ls2html routine,
provided by Julian Robichaux at nsftools.com.

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