Friday, June 06, 2008

ILUG 2008: Day -2 (Monday)

We flew in Sunday and stayed up until midnight local time, which was only 7PM for us. But that meant we had been up since 8AM Saturday, making it nearly 36 hours. Consequently, we managed to ignore all our wakeup calls and alarms and finally rolled out of bed at nearly 11:40 AM. We originally planned to do a bus tour to Powerscourt, a castle with wonderful gardens about two hours from Dublin. Instead I opted to do the responsible thing and stayed at the hotel working on my presentation while Myron headed off for the Bloom festival.

Later that evening we went to dinner with Jamie, Bob Balaban and Bob's daughter Samantha. We had a wonderful meal at Gallagher's Boxty House, then strolled back to our respective hotels.

Jamie, Bob, Samantha, Charles and Myron


  1. Is this the famous Samantha that Mary Beth is blogging about? :-)

    Looks like you guys had a great time. I had been hoping to go to ILUG, but my sister is coming here to visit so I would not been able to stay the whole time.

  2. I was *wondering* when we were going to get in ILUG post out of you... ;-)
    Glad to see you are having a nice time. I want to hear how your presentation went!

  3. TexasSwede, the Samantha that Mary Beth is referring to is Samantha Darin, a design persona the usability team created for Notes 8.
