Wednesday, March 12, 2008

a little confused by Sametime trial installation options

Can anyone point me to something that documents the difference between these options? I've been digging on the Lotus site and can't find any reference to it.


  1. I'll have to look for the formal documentation, but basically Sametime 8 features a network install option. This means that when you go to download the client from the stcenter.nsf page, the network installer will push down and install the client on the desktop. If you don't want to use that approach, you can also use a traditional "standalone" installer where you download the files and run setup.exe.

    (In other words, if you just want to install the client yourself or pass it on to someone on CD or zip drive, you want the standalone installer version.)

  2. Thanks Adam. I assumed it was something like that, I just wanted someone to confirm it. :-)

  3. Charles, does this mean we might see you online soon in the YellowBleeder's community? :-)

  4. Maybe. We have port 1352 locked down, and we do content and protocol filtering on outbound port 80 to prevent people from running IM and P2P clients. I haven't tested yet to see whether Sametime is blocked.
